Just Stop and Relax
How many times have you been told to ‘just stop and relax’? Well, take it from me, I know it is much easier said than done. I don’t know about you but my world is hectic, deadlines and demands keep adding up, and everything seems to be moving at a crazy rapid rate. However, I do know when I slow down and do something for myself, I do feel better, sometimes even recharged. I am a work in progress and know I don’t do this often enough but I have made a vow to myself to do better. I hope you will take me up on this challenge and do the same. Here are some easy, minimal-time-commitment ways to give back to yourself.

Start with a morning routine to help relax
Make your morning routine a time for relaxation before the day gets started. It may be that you wake up 15 minutes earlier than usual but take some time to just be. Have your tried journaling, stretching, meditation or just eating a light healthy breakfast? Those of us who are parents tend to jump right into taking care of our kiddos. But, you will take better care of others if you take better care of yourself. If nothing else, try taking a relaxing hot shower with aroma therapy essential oils.
Don’t forget your friends
Take time to connect with those around you. Friends are important parts of our life and craving out time to spend with someone outside of your family is beneficial. Meet for a morning coffee or afternoon luncheon. Spend your time together talking about the positive things going on in your life. Talk about the future and dreams you have. In other words, spend time with others and engage in conversation that will lift you up. If your primary social relationships are negative and weigh heavy on you, try reaching out to others that help you feel better about yourself.
Be creative as a way to reduce stress
What do you do in your spare time? I, for one, used to have many hobbies and things I loved to do outside of work but recently find I just veg on the couch. I am making efforts to start something creative. So instead of sitting on the couch watching TV, I am going to learn to do hand lettering. I can still sit on the couch if I want to but not in a passive state. Crafts like painting, knitting, sewing, and drawing are great ways to make sure you are using your creative juices. And remember, it doesn’t have to be great, it just needs to be fun and an outlet to ‘just stop and relax’.