Stop Panic Attacks Before They Start
If you are reading this, then it’s probably safe to say you or someone you love has experienced a panic attack. Panic attacks have been explained to me in many different ways over the years. Some say it feels like a heart attack, being smothering, horrific, or plainly, the worst feeling ever. The one common characteristic from everyone is, they do NOT want it to happen again, EVER. When a panic attack occurs, an intense physical response spreads through the body preparing it to fight for you. Sometimes you feel the attack coming on and other times the attack may completely come out of nowhere. Below are some real-time ideas on how to help keep the panic in check. Please note there is really no easy fix for panic attacks or anxiety. If your panic attacks continue, become debilitating, and/or are getting worse, please see a professional.

Find the Source
Recognizing what causes your panic attacks is the best way to know how to start managing them. However, it is not always easy to pinpoint exactly what the cause or trigger is. For some, there is a definite cause, they know exactly what will cause increased anxiety and ultimately a panic attack.
I know the cause
If you already know what causes your panic attacks, then the best thing to do is learn how to control your anxiety. There are several ways to do this and successful techniques vary between each person. Some common strategies include breathing exercises, counting, or distraction.
I don’t know the cause
If you don’t know the cause of the attacks, then now is the time to start paying very close attention to your surroundings. While it may be difficult, think back to your panic attacks. Try to remember, what was going on, where were you, what did you hear, feel, or smell? Do you remember anything about how you felt immediately prior to the attack? Did you have any strange or uncomfortable feelings hours before the attack? Take note, write the answers to the above questions down, and start looking for trends. After you have some idea of triggers, come up with a plan. How can you prepare yourself the next time you are faced with any of these situations? Start exploring ways to control your anxiety.
I can’t figure out the cause
If you were unable to come up with any ideas of what your trigger may be, that’s okay, go ahead and start learning ways to control your anxiety. Coping with stress and anxiety is not easy. If it was, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
Avoid the Trigger
When possible, avoid what is causing the panic attacks. Now, that is easier said than done and avoidance may be completely unrealistic. If there is no way to avoid the trigger or even decrease the exposure to the trigger, being mentally prepared, and knowing what to expect and how to handle it is the best solution. In order to be able to handle the situation better requires learning coping strategies.
Practice Relaxation Daily
As discussed above, tackling anxiety and panic will take some practice. Find a way to schedule daily relaxation time. All in all, taking care of yourself and maintaining an ongoing overall relaxed mood will help you face increased stress better. Learn what you like to do to relax, and find a fit for you, as everyone is different. Examples of relaxing techniques that can work in your daily routine are exercise, yoga, a healthy diet, reading, or a hobby.